Finally Android is almost compatible with iPhone 3G. It took couple of weeks to port Android on 3G after the 2G was successfully hacked. PlanetBeing in his latest video on his blog showed iPhone 3G running Android OS. Still there are few issues with Audio as you cant makecalls, because the caller cant hear you nor you can hear what caller says. This has nothing to do with baseband, its an audio issue (this should be fixed soon). But you can still listen music and watch video too. He also showed where he recieved text messages on his iPhone3G running Android OS. He has changed the graphics of OpeniBoot, It has an Android logo now. WIFI and Multitouch are more stable and smooth now.
Android for 3G port will be out it in a couple of days for public once when the packaged binaries and instructions for the 3G are done.

Here is the Video: